Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Work on Your Vision

Something I picked up in training today that i felt like sharing. Its a great exercise for those who have trouble conveying their vision to others.  As we all know, "You can't get other people to follow you if you yourself don't know where you are going... Clear and Concise Mental Picture(CCMP)

  1. Accomplishments:  I want to be remembered for 
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  2. I'm special because ...
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  3. What gets me excited and gets my blood pumping is ...
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  4. What would cause me to weep if I left undone during my lifetime...
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  5. List 10 or More things you always wanted to do (actions, not possessions)
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  6. List 10 Things you would ever love to have 
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  7. What is the Major problem or "road block" in my life? How can I handle it? Write down your feelings or thoughts based on the problem.  How would you respond by embrassing this problem like a friend and not an entruder? (the problem should not be something you can quickly get rid of. If it were then it wouldn't be a major problem)  Be very specific of how you will think, feel, and act.
  8. 3 Major short comings I need to admit to myself and then improve on are:
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  9. List one Relationship in the/your business and one in your personal life that you need to develop.  Have a weekly goal for improving this relationship
    • Business __________________
    • Personal __________________
  10. The 6 most critical people who need me at home and/or business are:
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Friday, October 1, 2010

The ABC's of Making Money

Ever thought about runnning your own business?   Here are 15 components you should consider before endeaving into any business venture.
 1. The business must sell to the masses.
 2. The business must fullfill a fundamentla need for many people.
 3. Must be low risk
 4. Provide the opportunity for ongoing passive income
 5. Require a low start component
 6. Have a stable growing long demand
 7. Have  low overhead cost
 8. Have a low start-up cost
 9. Have a unique quality making it difficult for competitors to copy
10. Have positive cash flow and low inventory costs
11. Have high profit margins and rates of return
12. Have minimum government regulation
13. Be portable, be able to go from one place of opperation to another
14. Be FUN, challenging, and satisfying for busines owners
15. Provide an opportunity to uncover other money making oppurtunities